Not Every Hobby has to be Monetized

This is a more specific example of ‘all or nothing’ thinking. We all have things we love to do for fun. Sometimes we have the need to try and make money off our fun hobby. Perhaps it’s the influence of society and everything needing to be a ‘side hustle’. Perhaps there are feelings of guilt … Continue reading Not Every Hobby has to be Monetized

I Should…

“I should do this...” “This is what X should look like…” “I’m doing X so I should…” Should, should, should… not the most helpful of words. I know, I know, sometimes we just use it in place of “I need to”, “I get to”, “I want to”, or “I have to” when it’s something we … Continue reading I Should…

A Body in Motion Stays in Motion

Is it just me, or do you find that when you’re busy you are more motivated to get tasks done because everything is a bit more time sensitive? Tasks like folding the laundry, responding to emails, vacuuming, going grocery shopping- things that we may “put off” now become sort of automatic, or easier, when we’re … Continue reading A Body in Motion Stays in Motion